Become A Legend Pes 2010 Editor Download
Become A Legend Pes 2017
PES 2010 Editor v1.4 - by w!ld@. PES 2010 Settings - by MxSoniC. RtPES - by NeticH. Kitserver - by juce & Robbie. Kitserver 9.20 - by juce & Robbie. Kits Relink v1 - by Stelios. PES2010 Database Editor v0.1 - by MxSoniC. PES2010 Ball Selector - by Michal1910Widzew. Data Renamer v1.1 - by Patros46. Credits for:EPT TEAMSIt's in Chinese. So, get the tutorial here about how to use it.
Become A Legend Pes 2010 Editor Download Free
PES 2011 Become A Legend Editor ENG by EPT-Team 1. Load your player info into the program (down left button). Make changes you want. Save changes by pressing a button on down right. You can only see things ahead of you. You have no idea if there are anybody beside you. BAL Training points edit (CheatEngine). Patch Pes 2010 Skyevo 1.0 2.0 3.0 4. Click to Download! Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 EDITOR v2.1,. Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 BECOME A LEGEND SETTINGS v1.4,. PES Become A Legend (BAL) is an awesome way to experience the playing career of a soccer player. This tutorial will.

Become A Legend Pes 2021
- added import of commentary and market price from the OF2
- player comparison ( player can be compared to the OF2 player, 3 modes included
- by player's name, ID or OF index # )
- improved conversion of positions from PSD
- fixed bug in export from overview window
- added XML tweak file recorder ( no more boring XML writting in text editor )
- fixed bug in removing of player from team ( thx GOAL )
- updating of weight, height and position in multiple FM update are optional
- full DLC 1.06 + 1.07 support
- new merge tool with delimiter setting
- added support for relink of extra faces in dt0f.img file ( define count of extra slots in editor.exe.config )
- added function remove callnames for all players
- import emblems from OF2
- team import from OF2 via context menu ( 4 modes
- players, formations etc. )
- added option file configuration ( editor remembers team nationality and type of team national, club etc. )
- more tooltips
- more functionality from the context menu ( swap players, adding prefix or suffix to the player names, clear or fill team with free agents )
- updated callname list ( thx GOAL )
- updated growt type list ( thx joserruiz )
- configuration files moved to CFG folder and .CFG extensions were added
- added simply logger of exceptions
- global adjustment of growth types
- global setting of attack/defence awareness based on player's stats
- added intstaller
- other minor changes, bugfixing, code clean-up
Plataforma:Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 PC
Tamaño: 3,50 MB
Agregado el: 22-06-2010 16:28:24
Descargas: 5516
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